(Oshibori heating and
refrigeration unit)


(Oshibori heating and
refrigeration unit)
We develop the comfortable towels for Oshibori hand wipes in-house, manufacture Oshibori and deliver them to our custtomers, Each customer has a contact personnel, so we provide the value-added services to fulfill customers’ expectation.
We plan, develop, and manufacture Oshibori hand wipes with various kinds of material and related items. Besides, we accept joint development and OEM using the latest hygiene management technology.
We operate the Japan’s largest Oshibori EC site to develop the retail sales.
In addition, we utilize our unique distribution network to support our customers in developing sales channels and supporting sales promotion.
We support our Oshibori rental buiness memebers by providing products, services, and know-how. In the meantime, we look for sub-licensees for our patented hygiene technology “VB”.
We apply our hygiene technology originated from Oshibori business to hand hygiene and beauty products. We will continue to operate R&D and offer our “know-how” to provide reliable and safe products in a stable manner to external partner companies.
We develop in-house systems, IT infrastructure, and provide technical support for employees. We will improve the efficiency of various service with the power of technology.